These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
If you are a speech and language pathologist, you are probably familiar with Super Duper Publications®. It’s not hard to find their display at conferences and they offer materials for all ages (early childhood-adult). I have been using Super Duper® resources for over 25 years (about me) and I can honestly say that they have stood the test of time. I recently became a Super Duper® Affiliate because I believe in their products. This blog post is all about my favorite Super Duper® resources. Whenever I’m shopping for new speech and language materials, I always look for flexible activities that can be used to target a variety of skills. All of these Super Duper® activities can be used to target multiple speech and language goals and objectives.
* As a Super Duper affiliate, I have a special code for you to use anytime you place an online order. Use code Pinwheel10 to save 10% off your order! Click HERE for a link that automatically applies the 10% off discount at checkout.

Fun Decks®
Super Duper Fun Decks® are a staple when it comes to speech and language therapy. You can find hundreds of fun decks® on the Super Duper® website to target just about any skill: articulation, concepts, following directions, grammar, pragmatic language, vocabulary, categories, etc. Each fun deck comes with different ideas for how to use the cards. My students and I love using sticky hands, suction cup animals, magnetic fishing poles to pick up the cards (see this Speech Therapy Essentials blog post to learn more). Click below to download a handout that lists 20 ways to use Fun Deck® artic photo cards.
* As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying Amazon purchases linked above.

Chipper Chat®
I have never met a student who didn’t enjoy chipper chat! These activities use magnetic chips and a “magic” wand. You can find a variety of Chipper Chat® activities on the Super Duper website to target vocabulary, inferencing, answering questions, grammar, basic concepts, and even social skills. They also sell open-ended chipper chat® games that can be used to reinforce any skill. Artic Chipper Chat® (pictured above) is the chipper chat activity that I use the most. It is so easy to take into the classroom or use during pull out sessions. I love that it includes cards with targeted articulation words with riddles for each word. Tip: I have found that it is always best to wait to give your student the wand at the end of the session. Using the wand to pick up the chips is the fun part but it can definitely be a distraction during the activities.

Secret Decoder Activities
When I worked as an SLP in our neighborhood elementary school, I often needed a quiet activity to use with my students in a resource room or at a center in a classroom. I regularly chose Secret Decoder Activities from Super Duper Publications. With these activities, students read a passage/prompt and self-check their answers using the secret decoder. Simply hold the decoder over the answer choices to reveal the correct answer highlighted with invisible ink! Super Duper® Secret Decoder activities are ideal for upper elementary students (grades 3-6) because you can target language comprehension skills as well as reading skills. You can find secret decoder activities that target the main idea, reading for details, and using context clues to determine word meanings. My favorite secret decoder activity targets social inferences (pictured above). This activity helps students learn to infer feelings and understand common social situations. This makes it an excellent choice for social skills groups or students who are working on pragmatic language skills.

Lids and Lizards
Lids n’ Lizards® is another versatile game from Super Duper Publications. This game includes 50 magnets that you place under metal lids. It also comes with 12 colorful lizards that you hide under the lids. Students of all ages love looking for the hidden lizards under the lids. You can practice categorizing, describing, memory, vocabulary, compare/contrast, or even articulation with these nesting lids. My favorite way to use this game is to put two magnets under the lid so students can practice comparing and contrasting the two items. You can also carefully select pictures that have specific articulation sounds for a fun speech carryover activity. This is a fun /l/ activity as your students will LOOK for LIZARDS under the LIDS. 🦎

WH Inference Questions Cards
I was thrilled to receive these WH Inference Question Cards in the mail last November as a Super Duper® affiliate. This activity has become a new favorite of mine. The card decks can be used to target answering WH questions (what, who, when, where, why) AND making inferences. You can also practice asking questions, vocabulary (e.g., community helpers) and speech carryover skills with these cards. These decks are very portable because they come on a ring that keeps them in order. If needed, you can also remove the ring to select desired questions. The colorful pictures provide clues to help your students practice making inferences. In addition, the artist’s drawings are humorous and this makes the activity very engaging. The questions are ideal for elementary aged students who are ready to use higher level critical thinking skills to practice making simple inferences.
Your Turn!
I would love to hear about your favorite Super Duper® products. Please comment below! If you are shopping for new resources, you can always save 10% off your Super Duper® online order by using the code Pinwheel10 at checkout.